Secuware Associations
AECOC, Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial Specialises in joining the efforts of industry and distribution in areas such as: Logistics, Marketing-Area of the Demand, E-commerce-EDI (Electronic Document Interchange), Coding-Identification and Food Safety. Its aim is to make commercial coding as efficient as possible. SECUWARE collaborates to achieve this aim guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of coding. Website: Contact: |
The Asociación de Empresas de Servicios a Móviles (Association of Mobile Service Provider Companies - AESAM) is a grouping of the majority of Spanish firms that supply mobile services and content through SMS/MMS Premium, WAP, i-Mode and UMTS technology. The primary goal of AESAM is to promote the development and growth of the market for mobile technologies, services and content, as well as to represent the interests of its members. SECUWARE is an active collaborator as an expert in security for PCs and mobile devices. Website: Contact: |
Asociación de Fabricantes de Armamento y Materiales de Defensa (AFARMADE) AFARMADE is the Spanish Association of Arms and Defence Material and Security Manufacturers. SECUWARE is an active member of this Association as the only manufacturer of military encryption software approved by the Spanish Ministry of Defence. Website: Contact: |
AETIC AETIC is the Association of Electronic, I.T. and Telecommunications Companies of Spain, resulting from the merger of the National Association of Electronic and Telecommunications Industries (ANIEL) and the Spanish Association of I.T. Companies (SEDISI). SECUWARE participates with AETIC in the development of new technology security Website: Contact: |
Asociación Multisectorial de Empresas Españolas de Electrónica y Comunicaciones (ASIMELEC) ASIMELEC is a grouping of manufacturers, marketers, and distributors from the electronic market and Installers in the Telecommunications sector. It is one of the most qualified representatives interceding before the Spanish and EU Administrations and before other public or private institutions and bodies. SECUWARE actively collaborates as an expert on matters of government communications security Website: Contact: |
Asociación profesional del cuerpo superior de sistemas y tecnologías de la información de la Administración del Estado (ASTIC) The main goal of ASTIC is the direction and management of the Units and projects regarding the Information and Communications Systems of the Public Authorities. Its main aim is to improve the public services provided to citizens, and Spanish Society in general, through good use of Technology. SECUWARE actively collaborates as an expert on matters of government communications security Website: |
Cámara de Comercio Hispano-Sueca (Hispano-Swedish Chamber of Commerce ) A private, independent organization, whose purpose is to promote trade relations between Spain and Sweden. It serves as a platform for meetings and contacts between Spanish and Swedish business people and executives with common commercial interests. Website: |
Fundación DINTEL The aim of the DINTEL Foundation is to disseminate I.T. and Telecommunications Engineering, through technical advice and the organization of educational, training and continued professional development activities. Its operation combines the world of Law and that of Information Technology, a characteristic that distinguishes Foundation's mains aims. SECUWARE participates with technical advice on security matters. Website: Contact: |
FUE, Fundación Universidad-Empresa Circle for Defence and Security Technologies The Circle for Defence and Security Technologies is a specialised body of the Universidad-Empresa Foundation, formed as a meeting place for the exchange of information between all people and entities related to the sector of Defence and Security Technology. SECUWARE actively collaborates in the UCF as a developer of security software. Website: Contact: |
SEIS, La Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud The Spanish Society of Health I.T. (SEIS) is a scientific society that welcomes all professionals interested in the application of I.T. for health matters. SECUWARE participates in this association as an expert in security software Website: Contact: |
ANEI, Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Internet The aim of the ANEI is the proper defence of the general interests of its associates before administrations and institutions. As a complement to this aim, ANEI is also a service provider association, giving the associate real added value. Along these lines, SECUWARE participates with the association in the field of security Website: Contact: |
AUTELSI La Asociación Española de Usuarios de TeleComunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información The aim of the Association is to promote in society, generally, and, specifically, amongst its professional users, the study, research and objective dissemination of knowledge, on issues related to telecommunications and Information Society matters. SECUWARE collaborates in the scope of security Website: Contact: |
CEOE/CEIM Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales The Spanish Confederation of Business organizations and Business Confederation of Madrid. Its primary purpose is to defend the interests of Spanish businessmen and, through this noble task, to contribute to the economic health and growth of Spanish society. Secuware forms part of this business confederation as a leading company in its sector Website: Contact: |
SECARTYS Asociación Española de Exportadores de Electrónica e Informática The Spanish Association of Electronic and I.T. Exporters supports the export, promotion and internationalisation of Spanish electronic and I.T. companies. Secuware participates in this association as an exporter of cutting-edge technology. Website: Contact: |