Why do I need Crypt2000 in order to totally safeguard my information?

Encrypting the hard drive is the most efficient way to ensure user authenticity, data integrity and privacy of information.

How does Crypt2000 protect user authenticity?

An encrypted hard drive ensures that the Operating System cannot be modified as it is protected, making it impossible to start up the computer from an alternative source, such as a floppy disk or CDROM.

The Log On procedure is the way to ensure that the person sat in front of the computer is who he says he is, as it uses a Cryptographic Device protected by the Secuware security operating system, in other words, an encrypted hard drive.

How does encryption of the hard drive protect the data stored on a PC or laptop?

Secuware technology means that, should a hard drive or laptop be stolen, it will be impossible to access the information. Our aim is to protect your information from unwanted eyes.

The best way to protect the information contained on a hard drive is complete encryption using Secuware technology.

Does Secuware hard drive encryption affect the user?

The day-to-day operations carried out by the user are never affected by hard drive encryption, as all devices are encrypted in a very transparent manner. The computer is not slowed down nor does a password or codes need to be used. Both encrypted and unencrypted devices guarantee ease and transparency of use.

Secuware technology ensures that the information pertaining to key members of an organization doesn't “get lost” and “turn up” on a USB disk, a DVD or a CD-ROM. Any important information, including data stored on a company laptop, can only be read on site, within the organization.

Once the hard drive has been encrypted, can the user continue to use his or her normal Programs, or are there limitations?

Our product provides native support, meaning that the user can continue to use the same software as before - Windows, NERO, Roxio and so on. All Programs that save information can now encrypt that data, and do so in a completely transparent way for the user.

How does Crypt2000 encrypt Network files?

Secuware is able to encrypt Network files by using symmetrical keys which mean that the user does not have to enter his or her password every time he/she accesses the document.